Mating California newts (updated)

Some early blooms

Mating California newts

Sept 5th, 2009 Fire!


Prickly Pear

Spring Flowers

Van Houtte's Columbine

Slender Tarweed

Loma Prieta Psoralea

Hairy Honeysuckle

Creeping Snowberry


California Tea

Fat Solomon's Seal

Hooker's Fairy Bell

Slender Phlox

Virgin's Bower

Copper's Hawk



Wild boar

First flower of 2005

Red Tail Hawk added to birds page

Two bobcat shots added to Mammals Page 11/11/04

Osprey added to birds page 10/20/04

Sticky Cinquefoil added 05/10/04

Turkey pic added

Windmill Pink added

First Hound's Tongue of 2004

Virl O. Norton trail closed until Spring. Picture

First flower of 2004

Robin and kite added to birds page, Jan. 18, 2004.

Two new views added to views page