Arroyo Lupine
Lupinus succulentus
  Dove Lupine
Lupinus bicolor
Pea Family (Fabaceae)
Lupines bloom late February through May

Lupines grow in many parts of the world. "Yer Lupins or yer life!" cries the English highway robber in an old Monty Python episode where people are robbed of their lupines. In Texas they have the Bluebonnets. In California we have eighty-two native species of our own, over half of which are perennials.

We mostly see the Dove Lupine, or Lupinus bicolor, but the Arroyo Lupine, Lupinus arroyo, is also common in these parts. They are easy to spot, once you have recognized the palmate leaves and whorls of flowers. The flowers themselves are pea-like. Indeed, Lupines are in the pea family. Late in the season, you will see pods that look distinctly like pea pods. Although the Indians made a tea from the seeds, they only drank it to treat urinary disorders.

Although still eaten in part of the world today, the plants contain high levels of alkaloids and are quite toxic. It is thought that poverty may have been perpetuated in the past by the practice of the poor eating lupine seeds in times of famine. The toxins would not kill, but would reduce mental function and restrict upward mobilty.

Although they are not edible, Lupines can be an important agricultural crop. Lupines help the soil by building up nitrogen and by stabilizing it with their deep roots. Indeed, the name Lupine comes from the latin lupus for wolf, as it was thought that Lupines somehow stole nutrients. This is a wonderful piece of bad logic. Lupines are found growing on poor soil, therefore lupines must turn soil bad. It was later realized that they can grow on poor soil because they obtain the nitrogen they need with the help of bacteria in their root nodules.

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